Back in 2018, I retraced some of steps of our Perkins ancestors, starting at ground zero in Boston. Then off to Nova Scotia as a New England Planter. One of the Nova Scotia branches settled Jamaica, my last stop. Great trip with each designation revealing new discoveries.
Perkins DNA Update
With YDNA (DNA associated with the male Y chromosome) one can trace the Perkins surname far back in history, including the original Puritan John Perkins and beyond. This essay discusses the results of testing a male descendant of Jacob Perkins. The results are shocking.
Perkins of Hillmorton, UK
The story of the earliest documented Perkins families, a total of five generations. They lived in Hillmorton, Warwickshire, UK between 1475 and 1631, before our ancestor left for Massachusetts
John & Judith Perkins to America
John and Judith (Gater) were the first recorded Perkins to arrive to America arriving in Boston. They would eventually settle in Ipswich. Was their arrival day the first Thanksgiving?
Three Generations of Perkins in Ipswich, MA
Three generations of our Perkins ancestors lived near to Ipswich MA. Here are their stories.
Abraham & Elizabeth Perkins of Lyme, CT
Abraham Perkins left Ipswich with his brother and two sisters for Lyme CT where he married the local townsgirl, Elizabeth Ely.
Francis & Elizabeth Perkins of Horton, NS
The story of Francis and Elizabeth (Peck) Perkins, the “New England Planters”, who left Lyme Connecticut for free land offered in Horton, Nova Scotia.
Ely & Sarah Perkins of Kentville, NS
Ely and Sarah (DeWolf) Perkins resided in Horton and Kentville, Nova Scotia before settling in nearby Aylesford.
William & Harriet Perkins of Yarmouth ONT
William Francis Perkins and Harriet Creelman both born in Nova Scotia, then moved their family to Yarmouth Township in Elgin county, Ontario to pursue farming. While William died young, Harriet survived into old age. A photo of her survives.
James & Mary Perkins of Petrolia, ONT
The first Perkins oilman, James started as a farmer, but moved away from this occupation after he discovered their land could make more money with oil. Mary, who lived to age 96, was very active in the church.
Reminiscences of Richard & Harriet Ann (Perkins) Varnum
James Perkins had a sister, Harriet, who married Richard M Varnum. His autobiography gives great insights about living in those times. You will also find a brief mention of Harriet and her family, including her mother, Harriet.
Jacob & Jennie Perkins of Galicia
More info and insight about Jacob & Jessie (McDowell) Perkins
Cyrus & Margaret (MacIntosh) Perkins
Cyrus, brother of Jacob, first settled in Galacia around 1883. He formed a tool and die company that eventually headquartered in St Albans, England.
Perkins, MacIntosh & Perkins
The history of the factory.
DNA Results Autosomal DNA show results all the way back to Ely Perkins (1762-1825)
Sources There are several great sources that exist that have made the job of tracing this family much easier.
“The family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Mass.: complete in three parts” by George Perkins, 1889
The Grand-daddy of all Perkins references.
“The Descendants of Edward Perkins of New Haven, Conn.” by Caroline Erickson Perkins, 1914
While we are not related to Edward Perkins, Caroline includes research into our line starting with Francis Perkins who settled in Nova Scotia